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Welcome to brunswick united methodist church in brunswick, ohio!

What to Expect

 We’re so glad you’ve decided to visit us! You’ll find a list of commonly asked questions below. If you don’t find what you are looking for, don’t hesitate to send us a message or give us a call at (330) 225-3179.

Image by Jessica Furtney
Where should I park?

Feel free to park anywhere. We have a number of handicap parking spots near to the entrance and the building itself is handicap accessible, with an elevator just inside the main door.  You will find that there are multiple entrances into the church facilities. No need to worry which one is correct—all of them will get you to where you need to go in a matter of seconds. Please identify yourself to an usher or the greeter at the Welcome Center when you arrive for additional orientation and/or assistance.

Image by Becca McHaffie

We believe in and practice Open Communion. All are welcome to partake of the communion bread and grape juice, whether or not you're a United Methodist or a member of this church. Children are also welcome to participate, at the discretion of their parent or guardian.

Image by CDC

Nursery service is available during the morning worship hour, if desired. But we also enjoy having little ones in our midst and welcome a little baby noise. There is a rocking chair in the parlor adjacent to the sanctuary for quiet relaxation. The parlor is equipped with speakers, so you can relax with baby and listen to the service at the same time.

Image by Clay Banks
What are Methodists?

To learn more about what Methodists believe as a denomination, just click on the link below.  Please don't hesitate to contact Pastor Matt to learn more. He welcomes questions!

How do I get there?

We're easy to find! Just look for us at the intersection of Pearl Rd (Rt. 42) and Center Rd (330) across the street from Walgreen's. You can also find our location using the map below.

Image by John Matychuk
What should I wear?

Brunswick United Methodist has a “come as you are” atmosphere. You will see some people dressed up; some dressed very casually. We have no expectations for attire.

Image by Priscilla Du Preez
Sunday School

We currently offer classes for children and youth, ages Pre-K through 5th grade at 10:15 AM. Children will start in the Sanctuary, then be led out after a children's moment with the Pastor, while parents sit through the morning worship service.  Adult classes meet together downstairs at 11:15 AM, following the worship service and coffee fellowship time. Ask the greeter at the Welcome Center to direct you.

Image by Troy T
Coffee and Fellowship

An informal time of fellowship and refreshment is held every Sunday morning after the worship service in the Gathering Area just outside the sanctuary doors.  It's a great time to connect with the Pastor and other worship attendees. 

We look forward to meeting you soon!

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